Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Not a bad Mother's Day, other than today of all days Miles and Kennedy chose not be on their best behavior as brother and sister for most of the day. They don't quite get the meaning behind the special day just yet. Walking to the Natty Greene's for lunch, I told Kennedy her behavior was not making for a very happy Mother's Day for mommy. Miles jumps in and says, "Yeah, Happy Naughty Day!" Well, I'm happy the sun will always set and a brand new day will soon follow! Happy Naughty / Mother's Day!!
 — with Amy Miller Neely.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Miles and Mommy

This morning I saw this in the hallway outside Miles' classroom.  Worth the post.  The boy speaks the truth!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Each morning during the week, Amy takes Kennedy to school on the way to work and I take Miles with me to the church and drop him off at daycare.  The typical routine for Miles and I is for me to get him dressed and then he watches Curious George while I get ready.  Fast forwarding a bit, it was time to get going, however Miles wanted to watch one more Curious George before heading out.  We were already a bit behind when Miles simply asked, "Daddy, can you just change the time so I can watch one more."  I then said, "Buddy, I understand I'm a superhero, but that miracle is above and beyond my superhero powers!"