Photo I took to give you a Kennedy break.

Kennedy had her first doctor visit this morning with Dr. Rubin. It was absolutely poring rain out when we left for the doctor's office. Good thing for a car port. She's got a clean bill of health! I like Dr. Rubin because he's really sarcastic. It's like he and I speak a special language that nobody else can interpret. We're going to get along just fine!
Had our first family outing. Ok, it was only to Target, but we did have a latino man yell out in broken english from his truck, "Hey! That your baby? (umm...duh) She's beautiful!! Congratulations!" So that was pretty cool. I love people who get overjoyed at the simplest things in life.
Kennedy is a huge eater! If I could convert the amount of formula and breast milk that she consumes in one day into "real world" food, she probably eats the equivalent 3 Quarter Pounders, 5 large fries, 3 Subway Cheese Steaks, 10 tacos from San Luis down the road, 3 frosties, and 4 lettuce wraps from P.F. Changs. Ok, kidding, but it is a CRAP LOUD!